HOF bar & snacks



Cosy bar to linger in.

There are regular concerts and other events in the HOF bar & snacks. W-LAN is available.

Indoor seating: 70
Outside seating: 20

Open or closed? 
Find out > here whether the restaurant is open today. 

Good to know


Open Tuesday to Saturday (Sunday & Monday closed).
More info: diemtigtal.ch/info/open-or-closed

Kitchen opening hours

Delivery times


Seating (total inside): 70
Seating (terrace): 20


  • Bus Parking Lot

  • Bicycle Parking

  • Gambling Machine

  • Car Parking Lot

  • Parking Available

Payment Options

Cash, Mastercard, Visa


  • Pets (Dogs) Allowed

Directions & Parking facilities

By car:
Motorway A6 Bern direction Zweisimmen, 1 km after the Simmenfluhtunnel turn left direction Diemtigtal. Follow the Diemtigtalstrasse into the valley for 4 km until you reach the village of Oey. Turn left towards the railway station, the bar is right next to the station.

By train, bus & co.:
Take the train to Oey-Diemtigen station (Spiez-Zweisimmen line). The bar is right next to the station.

Social Media


Getting there
HOF bar & snacks
Romy Graber & Erika Odermatt
Bahnhofstrasse 16
3753 Oey